
One good question to ask when you're looking for a church is about Outreach. What is the church doing to help the community? Do they support local, national, and/or global missions?
Here at First Baptist Church of Emporia we do all of the above! We do both hands on outreach as well as contributing financial support to local missions.

  • Each Christmas we support one of American Baptist Missionaries who serves in the Dominican Republic. Our Missionary, Rev. Madeline Flores,  shares the Christmas Story with small villages called Batays.  Our church helps to provide Christmas gifts to the children in the Batays.  We also raised funds to help Madeline purchase a new truck to use for her ministry.  In 2019 members of our church went on a Mission Trip to help Madeline share the Christmas story and deliver the gifts.

  • Over the years we have sent several groups on Mission/Work Trips to the American Baptist Mission on Kodiak Island, Alaska.  The American Baptist Mission has been active on the island since the 1800s.  Our groups have helped with work projects and with the day care program that the mission runs.  Our church has also helped the Mission by purchasing cows for their use. 

  • America For Christ Offering. Money raised with this offering goes to our Nation Denomination. The funds support ministries to refugee communities, assist with volunteer disaster response, fight poverty, assist with prison ministry/outreach as well as Native American ministries.

  • World Hope International Water & Wells Program. Money raised with this special offering goes to help provide safe drinking water in 3rd world countries. More Information

  • Local Missions:  Our Church members have gone to help the Bethel Neighborhood Center in Wyandotte County, and assisted tornado victims in Reading, KS. We've also helped with foster families through Kansas Children's Service League. We give locally to our Salvation Army and to the Lyon County Restricted Fund (emergency assistance for Lyon Co. residents).

  • Prayers & Squares, The Prayer Quilt Ministry. Prayer Quilts such as this one are given to individuals who are experiencing circumstances that require intense, fervent prayer. The quilts are made by volunteers with "Love, Hope, and Prayers." Quilts are dedicated to an individual, and they have many loose strings. As each set of strings are tied into a knot, a prayer is said for the individual who is to receive it.
